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Child Protective, Child Care, Foster Care and Adoption

Child Protective


Every child deserves to be protected from abuse of any kind. If you suspect that a child is being abused, please call the hotline at any time. Our case workers investigate and report abuse. Our case workers will also work with all parties involved to prevent any further abuse.

Signs of Child Abuse

NYS Child Abuse Website

Caseworkers: Abigail Eichler, Camryn Brennan and Theresa Vaughn


Child Care Assistance

CCA is a program that helps pay for a portion of the cost of child care while a parent is working, looking for work or being trained for work. Eligibilty is based on income.

Contact: Ruby Boya

NYS Child Care Website


Foster Care

There are times when it is in the best interest of the child for that child to be placed in foster care. Our case workers will evaluate each situation and help the courts to determine if a child needs to go into foster care. Children can be placed in foster care voluntarily by a parent(s) or by a court order. If there is evidence of abuse, the county may seek a court order to move a child out of the home and in to foster care.



There are many children waiting to be adopted across the state. Our caseworkers can help prospective parents with the adoption process. 



More Information and Websites: